“There is a place beyond good and bad, right and wrong – I´ll meet you there”
Tantra is Fun, Relaxing, and Beautiful

Conscious touch: Light touch that brings healing to body and soul.
Tantra massage: Possible effect is relaxed, full of energy, desire, deeper connection with yourself and much more.
Full Body Orgasme: Can give you an amazing energy boost. Through activating the energy channels in the body it opens up for a new type of pleasure.

Zen Coaching
You’re better than you think.
Through self-acceptance you open up for greater inner freedom, peace, contact, love, trust and more of what you are longing for in life.
Zen coaching is an exploration of what is alive within you, through conversation. There can be different topics that occupy you in life: partner, children, work, pain, interests, parents – all kind of relationships. When you become more generous with yourself, will you as an effect become more generous with others.

Healing Journey
We are complexed beings with thoughts, feelings and body. Life comes with experiences of shocks and traumas, and the memories get stuck inside us. To heal this is a deep journey that will take several meetings.
First of all we will need to build trust, so you can share the wounds you’ve got in life, and wants to heal. Then we will work with breath, sound, movement, meditation and massage to loosen this frozen ideas, feelings and memories in the body. So you are not governed by your past experiences, but free to create the life you want to live.
About me
I have had my own healing journey that has led me to Zen Coaching, Tantra and Shamanism. For me it has been like coming home. There I was reminded of what I already Knew. It strengthened the core of me, and every day I use the tools I have learned from my many highly knowledge teachers. Common to all I want to offer you as my client is: more self-acceptance, self empowerment and self-love. And let go of self criticism and self judgement. Free yourself from shame, guilt and fear so you can accommodate more of what you really are, in joy and openness. I support you in your process of acknowledging: You are better than you think.